Bosa challenges Julius Malema to check its signatures for himself

Build One South Africa (Bosa) has challenged EFF leader Julius Malema to ‘come examine’ its 140 000 signatures submitted to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC).

A total 60 000 signatures were required by the IEC as a prerequisite to being eligible for the national ballot, ahead of the national and provincial elections on 29 May.

Overcoming the IEC’s ‘hurdles’

Bosa claims it far exceeded this minimum requirement, and upon submitting the signatures a day before the deadline in March, leader Mmusi Maimane said they had overcome ‘hurdles’ placed in their path by government, IEC, and the Constitutional Court.

Malema, however, questioned the legitimacy of these signatures during a media briefing on Friday.

“Challenging the legitimacy of this IEC requirement without any evidence is a serious matter, and one which Bosa does not take lightly,” A statement from the party read on Monday.

“Our activists and supporters are leaders with integrity, taking no shortcuts in doing the hard yards of proving to the IEC that our party enjoys significant support in every province.

“Mr Malema and others must accept Bosa’s growth. We, therefore today, challenge Mr Malema to come examine Bosa’s 140 000 signatures himself outside the IEC offices in Tshwane this Wednesday 24 April at 3pm.

“We will make available the 140 000 signatures for his perusal.”

‘Bosa’s growth a dilemma for Malema’

The party said its growth created a dilemma for the EFF leader because the national socialist-leaning party’s support had “plateaued”.

“Bosa is rapidly growing in all communities across South Africa armed with a credible vision for change.

“It is clear that Malema and his EFF are now firmly part of the establishment. Gatekeepers of the status quo, trying to protect their turf from newcomers like Bosa who offer voters a fresh start.

“Finally, Bosa urges Mr Malema to play open cards with South Africa and reveal who paid for the EFF’s national manifesto launch and each one of the party’s provincial launches – amounting to several millions of rands.

“With no funding declarations to the IEC, many are led to believe that shady money from cigarette smugglers is finding its way into EFF coffers. More often than not, where there is smoke, there is fire.”

In other news – Cyan Boujee reveals she’s undergoing her BBL procedure for the third time

Controversial South African DJ and influencer Cyan Boujee is preparing for her third Brazilian butt lift (BBL). According to ZiMoja, the DJ revealed that she will be going under the knife once again in the first week of May.

Cyan Boujee

As described by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, a BBL is a specialized fat transfer procedure that augments the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks. Read More

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