Drama Unfolds at Bulawayo Civil Court as Wife Stops Husband’s Secret Wedding With Another Woman After He Lied About Going For a Meeting

 Drama Unfolds at Bulawayo Civil Court as Wife Stops Husband’s Secret Wedding With Another Woman

There was drama in court recently after a wife stormed Bulawayo Civil Court and stopped her husband’s secret wedding with another woman.

This comes as the husband had attempted to get married to his mistress behind his wife’s back after he had lied to her that he was going for a meeting.

Wife Asserts Customary Marriage and Objects the Wedding

Mandlenkosi Mabhena, 45, hailing from Emganwini suburb, was on the brink of exchanging vows with his secret lover, Maluleka Solani from Ntabazinduna, before Magistrate Makelo Ncube when chaos erupted.

The wife, identified as T Ncube, raised objections to the marriage, asserting that she and the groom, Mandlenkosi Mabhena, were customarily married. She explained that they fulfilled lobola obligations in 2012, and for Mabhena to marry another woman, he would first need to formally dissolve their customary union through a divorce process.

I object to this marriage. Mabhena and I are customarily married. He fulfilled the lobola obligations in 2012. To marry another woman, he must first formally dissolve our customary union through a divorce process, including the payment of a divorce token. Additionally, we need to address the issue of our children’s paternity.”

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Expressing her fury, Ncube revealed that they were still living together as husband. She also added that when he left home he lied to her saying that he was going for a meeting only to find out he was planning on getting married with another woman behind her back.

We live together and when schools are open he will be away and he returns home when schools are closed. He left this morning claiming to attend a meeting,” she said.

 Husband Denies Accusations, Claims Differences in Marriage and Accuses Wife of Lying

Mabhena, however, contested her claims, denying any such understanding and refuting her assertions about his morning departure.

“I object to what she says. We have differences in our marriage. She is lying and when I left in the morning, I never said I was attending a meeting.”


Court Ruling and Emphasis on Marriage Institution

In a decisive ruling, Magistrate Ncube canceled the wedding. Magistrate Makelo Ncube affirmed that Mabhena was still bound by his customary marriage to Ncube, emphasizing the absence of a formal separation or divorce process.

He stressed the court’s authority to withhold a marriage license under such circumstances, highlighting the gravity of marriage as a sacred institution.

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