15 reasons why you should eat Avocado

First, did you know that an Avocado is considered as superfood?

But one may ask, what does superfood mean?

Okay, superfood is food that gives you a high quantity of nutrients and antioxidants, as many of them that, if such kind of food is often eaten, we can take advantage of the benefits.

A superfood benefits on our health, from preventing illnesses and diseases to reducing dangerous elements, while at the same time, reinforcing immune system. So just to make it short, superfoods makes us healthy.

So, why is Avocado considered superfood?

It is because Avocado owns a lot of nutrients and antioxidants, such as folic acids, Omega 3, magnesium, lutein and fibre.

So, here are the 15 good reasons why you should eat Avocado:

1 – Avocado is a greasy fruit, but most of the grease Omega 3 type. Such grease has proven benefits on cholesterol reduction and heart diseases prevention.

2 – It contributes to keep healthy skin by the action of E Vitamin.

3 – Our eyes are protected thanks to the lutein that Avocado contains.

4 – As they are rich in fibre, they help us maintain bowel regularity, which is related to toxin expelling in a natural way.

5 – It favours healthy hair as it contains greases and E Vitamin.

6 – It helps stimulate immune system thanks to the actuation of C and E vitamins.

7 – It is rich in calories, which means that they offer energy enough to comolete different activities, sports activities as an example.

8 – Avocado’s consumption is recommended to kids as the presence of folic acids helps bones and muscle growth.

9 – They are also good for the elderly, as lutein is effective in cataract prevention.

10 – It contains Potassium, which contributes to maintain healthy muscles.

11 – It also protects teeth and gums by the intervention of D vitamin.

12 – The folic acids it contains is also good for pregnant women.

13 – Magnesium is another nutrient that Avocado includes, it is related to proper function of the nervous system.

14 – Greases and vitamin E helps us reduce tissue inflammation.

15 – It can also be a part of a well balanced diet. In this case, some researchers have pointed to the benefits to keep a healthy weight.

There are more than 15 reasons to include Avocado in our balanced diet, it can be eaten in different ways, it can be added to different recipes such as Salads, Juices, Smoothies and Soups.

It is easy to find reasons to understand why Avocado is considered a superfood, that is why it is difficult to find a reason for not including it in our diet.

We are in the Avocado season, so let’s go on and enjoy our superfood.

<p>The post 15 reasons why you should eat Avocado first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>