Social Media Abuzz as AstraZeneca Admits that its Covid-19 Vaccine Can Cause Rare Side Effects

AstraZeneca Admits Covid Vaccine Can Cause Rare Side Effect in Landmark Court Case

In a significant turn of events, AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical giant behind the Covid-19 vaccine developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford, has made a startling admission in court documents.

For the first time, the company acknowledged that its vaccine can cause a rare side effect, potentially opening the door for a multi-million pound legal settlement.

Also Read: LATEST| Oxford Vaccine – Similar To One Being Tested In South Africa Is Promising, But Has Side Effects, Report Shows

 Jamie Scott’s Vaccine-Related Injury Prompts Class Action Against AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca finds itself facing a class action lawsuit over allegations that its vaccine resulted in deaths and serious injuries in numerous cases. Lawyers representing the plaintiffs argue that the vaccine triggered a devastating side effect that affected a small number of families.

The initial lawsuit was filed by Jamie Scott, a father of two, who suffered a permanent brain injury after developing a blood clot and a brain hemorrhage following his vaccination in April 2021. His condition rendered him unable to work, and the hospital even made three distressing phone calls to his wife, warning her of her husband’s dire prognosis.

AstraZeneca’s Admission: Covid Vaccine Linked to Rare Side Effect

While AstraZeneca is contesting the claims, the company did concede in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its Covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS).” This condition, characterized by blood clots and a low blood platelet count, has been attributed to the vaccine.

Legal Battle and Multi-Million Pound Payouts: Class Action Lawsuit against AstraZeneca

To date, fifty-one cases have been brought before the High Court, with victims and bereaved relatives seeking damages amounting to an estimated £100 million. AstraZeneca’s admission, which forms part of their legal defense in Scott’s High Court claim, represents a significant development following extensive legal wrangling. If the drug manufacturer accepts that their vaccine was indeed responsible for serious illnesses and deaths in specific legal cases, it could result in financial compensation for the claimants. The government has pledged to cover AstraZeneca’s legal expenses.

Social Media Buzz: Public Reacts to AstraZeneca’s Admission and Vaccine Safety Concerns

The revelation of AstraZeneca’s admission has sent shockwaves through social media platforms, where conversations surrounding the safety and potential side effects of Covid vaccines have been prevalent. The acknowledgment by the pharmaceutical company has sparked intense discussion and speculation among users, highlighting the ongoing concerns and debates surrounding vaccination campaigns worldwide.

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