Zimbabwean Teachers Advocate For Salaries Based On Qualifications

Zimbabwean Teachers Advocate For Salaries Based On Qualifications

Zimbabwean teachers have asked for their salaries to be based on their qualifications, stating that it is unfair to be paid the same when they hold different qualifications.

During a recent gathering in Matabeleland North Province, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Torerai Moyo, expressed the government’s openness to revisiting the issue of teacher salaries. Moyo emphasized the importance of aligning educators’ pay with their qualifications and years of service, as well as reintroducing programs for professional development leave.

Addressing Inequities in Teacher Compensation

At the assembly, which convened at Tsholotsho High School, key stakeholders, including district school inspectors, school administrators, and ministry officials, deliberated on pertinent matters affecting the teaching profession. One significant topic of discussion was the need to rectify disparities in teacher compensation.

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Teachers demand salaries to be based on qualifications-Image Source@Facebook

The teachers in Zimbabwe currently are paid the same salary despite their level of education and years of experience. According to teachers, this discourages others from pursuing a higher level of education and improving their knowledge as they do not gain from it.

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Advocacy for Fair Remuneration

Sicelo Dube, the headmaster of Tsholotsho High School and also serving as the chairperson of the National Association of Secondary School Heads (NASH), underscored the necessity for a more equitable salary structure within the teaching field. Dube emphasized that remuneration should be commensurate with the multifaceted roles, responsibilities, and educational qualifications of individual educators.

Over the years, educators have been asking the government for better salaries and working conditions. This has usually led to strikes and disrupted learning as they cried for fair remuneration.  Their current cries for qualifications-based remunerations are under review by the Ministry of Education.

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