Grave Mistake: Kombi Conductor Jailed For Stealing A Phone From A Dead Woman At The Seke Road Accident Scene

Grave Mistake: Kombi Conductor Jailed For Stealing A Phone From A Dead Woman At The Seke Road Accident Scene

A kombi conductor who stole a phone from a dead person at last week’s Seke Road accident has been jailed for one year.

In an almost supernatural turn of events, the conductor, Terrence Mavheneke, got unlucky after the person he sold the phone to implicated him.


Kombi Conductor Jailed For Stealing A Phone At The Seke Road Accident Scene

H-Metro reported that on August 13, Christabella Makwanya was travelling to town in a kombi when a multiple-car collision at the intersection of Seke and St Patrick’s roads claimed her life.

Mavheneke, the conductor, was nearby and rushed to the scene. As he tried to assist the injured, he noticed Christabella’s phone lying on the ground. Without hesitation, he picked it up and kept it despite her having just passed away.

ALSO READ: Reckless Police Officer Charged with Culpable Homicide After Seke Road Accident Leaves Three Dead, 35 Injured

Later, he sold the phone to Nigel Kwaramba and Godwin Chindima. The two men took it to be reset at a workshop coincidentally owned by Christabella’s relative. The police swiftly arrested the two after a tipoff from Christabella’s relative.

Mavheneke appeared before Epworth magistrate Esther Mutezo, who sent him to jail for 12 months. The Magistrate suspended five months on the condition that he does not commit a similar offence, leaving him to serve an effective seven months behind bars.


“Karma From The Grave”

Conductor Seke Road Accident
Kombi Conductor Jailed For Stealing A Phone From A Dead Woman At The Seke Road Accident Scene [Image: Dandaro/X]


Social media users celebrated the jailing of the Seke Road accident thief.


“Aaa zvinoita Mwari.”


“Pane kunzwira vafa nevakuvara tsitsi zimunhu rinofunga kuba hayaa.”


“Vanhu vanotopukuta ropa vachitora senge vaye ve Beitbridge kutouya nepfuti kuwedzera marwadzo kune vapinda mutsaona. Mavideo ngaashande kubata mbavha. Vanhu ava vaive vaenda kunoshandira mhuri dzavo.”


“Rombe rekupedzisira ndozva ainge amhanyira pa accident scene kuti aone kuba. Ndotoona kuti ndizvo zvaanenge anga ajaiira kugara achiita.”


“Mufi akati unonyepa ndofa ndichirwadziwa iwe woba paingoda 3years kuti vanhu vadzidze.”

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