Themba Gorimbo’s Social Media Fracas

Themba Gorimbo’s Social Media Fracas

The results of the recent social media clash between Themba Gorimbo and Winky D’s fans, having been ignited by Themba Gorimbo’s negative remarks towards Winky D serves as a powerful reminder; Humility is one of the most important virtues. In a quest for attention, most celebrities resort to causing unnecessary dramatic conflicts between each other. Most of these conflicts are stage managed as they serve the purpose of drawing attention to the celebrity. These conflicts result in selective outrage as the people either side with one celebrity at the expense of another or fight amongst themselves.


Gorimbo recently made a controversial post on his social media handles criticizing Winky D and claiming Winky D is just a mere local artist with no international recognition or relevance. Comparing himself to the Zimbabwean Dancehall singer (Winky D), the professional mixed martial artist (Gorimbo) stated that; “Winky is local and I am global”.


On the 4th of July 2024, Gorimbo wished Jah Prayzah birthday wishes claiming that after the late Dr Oliver Mtukudzi; Jah Prayzah, Thomas Mapfumo and Killer T are the only internationally recognized artists from Zimbabwe. Most people found his social media posts offensive and seeking to provoke or undermine Winky D. Gorimbo’s social media posts sparked firestorm criticism against him leading to his temporary retreat from his social media handles.


Recently, Gorimbo has returned on social media with his tail between his legs, humbled. He apologized for his remarks about Winky D’s artistic abilities. He stated that; “My intention was not to put Winky D down or think I am better, I was just trying to have fun like I did with Enzo Ishall back in 2021…” Gorimbo humbled himself and went on to admit his respect for Winky D’s work.


Seh Calaz vs Soul Jah Love


In November 2014, Seh Calaz and the late Soul Jah Love fiercely clashed at Harare City Sports Center Sting event. The two exchanged ‘diss’ tracks on stage but this ended with physical confrontation. The bouncers restrained the late Soul Jah Love as he was trying to fight Seh Calaz. The event ended up as a fiasco with the fans being involved in the fight and several other people being injured including Tsitsi Ndabambi, a photojournalist.

Passion Java vs Ginimbi


Another duo that once dominated the Zimbabwean social media stage was Passion Java and the late Ginimbi (Ginius Kadungure). Passion Java is known for his insatiable appetite for social media attention. Before Ginimbi’s death, Passion Java was known for posting on social media his extravagant lifestyle. Passion Java would constantly compare his possessions with those of Ginimbi, who was known as one of the richest in Zimbabwe.

Ginimbi would also post his expensive belongings on social media. These actions garnered social media attention for these two individuals. It also created two camps of people on social media; those who were in support of Passion Java and believed he was richer than Ginimbi and those who ardently believed Ginimbi was richer than Passion Java. Fortunately, this conflict did not result in physical confrontations between fans like the Seh Calaz and Soul Jah Love clash, however, it resulted in social divisions in the social media. All these actions were done for social media attention.

“Social media attention is indeed a drug” Shadaya

In response to the social media posts of Themba Gorimbo, Shadaya, Zimbabwe’s socialite commended that; “Social media attention is indeed a drug”.  In his social media post, Shadaya highlights that most celebrities need management especially in managing their social media accounts. The socialite mocks celebrities stating that; “a majority of them are plain idiots”.


Moreover, he ridicules Themba Gorimbo claiming that; “Gorimbo is now so out of touch with reality ever since he was adopted by The Rock”

Although sarcastic and laden with verbal banter, Shaday’s remarks vehemently speak about the importance of humility in celebrities. He hints that Gorimbo’s actions are outrageous as he went on to the extent of insulting the very fans that; “cheered for him in his grass to glory”. One thing that stands out from this is that artists should respect themselves, their fans and fellow artists.


The ability of one to be humble and lack false pride can be defined as humility. It is important to be humble especially for socialites and celebrities. This is because these are the raw models of many people. Their behavior affects the behaviors of some people in the society, especially the youths. Gorimbo’s apology on social media serves as a gesture of humility and respect which is something other artists have to imitate.

By Mathew M.T Magwarada

<p>The post Themba Gorimbo’s Social Media Fracas first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>