Zimbabwe Introduces New Requirements for Motorists

Zimbabwe Introduces New Requirements for Motorists

In a bid to modernize the law and bolster the broadcasting sector, the Zimbabwean government has announced plans to make radio licenses mandatory for motorists. The new requirement, unveiled by Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr. Jenfan Muswere, will necessitate vehicle owners to purchase a radio license before obtaining a vehicle license or insurance cover.

The proposed changes are encapsulated in the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill, presented by Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi. The bill seeks to broaden definitions and introduce new provisions to enhance the regulatory framework governing the broadcasting sector. According to Dr. Muswere, the amendments aim to capacitate the broadcasting sector and ensure that the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) receives adequate funding.

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The new requirement is expected to impact motorists across the country, who will now need to factor in the additional cost of a radio license. The current ZBC license fees range from US$5 to US$50 per quarter, depending on the type of license. While some individuals, such as accredited diplomats and blind persons, are exempt from paying license fees, others who fail to comply may face penalties, including fines or imprisonment.

The proposed amendments will undergo the legislative process, where they may be approved or rejected by lawmakers. Motorists are advised to stay informed about the developments and prepare for the potential changes. The move has sparked mixed reactions from the public, with some expressing concerns about the additional financial burden on motorists, while others see it as a necessary step to enhance the broadcasting sector.

<p>The post Zimbabwe Introduces New Requirements for Motorists first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>