#OnThisDayInHistory: 25 October 2019, Zimbabwe Commemorates Anti-Sanctions Day

#OnThisDayInHistory, 25 October 2019, Zimbabwe commemorates Anti-Sanctions Day. This national holiday was established to protest the economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the United States and other Western countries. The sanctions, which were first imposed in 2003, have had a profound impact on Zimbabwe’s economy and its people.


The Anti-Sanctions Day was established to raise awareness about the negative effects of these sanctions and to call for their removal. The day is also a show of solidarity among Zimbabweans and other African nations, who believe that the sanctions are unfair and unjust. In 2019, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) declared October 25 as a day of solidarity against the sanctions, with various activities and protests taking place across the region.

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The Zimbabwean government has been vocal about the need for the sanctions to be lifted, citing the harm they cause to the country’s economy and its people. Efforts to have them lifted have been ongoing, with some successes.

<p>The post #OnThisDayInHistory: 25 October 2019, Zimbabwe Commemorates Anti-Sanctions Day first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>