Herman Mashaba confronts Gwede Mantashe at IEC elections results centre

Drama unfolded at the IEC’s national elections Results Operation Centre on Friday as ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba confronted energy minister Gwede Mantashe over the Lilly Mine tragedy in Mpumalanga.

Three miners were buried in a shipping container and at least 90 were trapped at the mine in 2016 when a central pillar in a shaft collapsed. Attempts to retrieve the container were abandoned because of unstable ground conditions.

Mashaba and ActionSA have assisted the victims’ families and repeatedly called for justice and accountability over the tragedy. They claim to have spent around R3 million in legal fees to assist the families.

A confrontation

Mashaba said he went up to Mantashe at the ANC’s desk on Friday to question him about the processes of retrieving the dead miners from underground.

According to Mashaba, he expressed his concern over how the government was dealing with the matter.

“Gwede Mantashe, the mine management, and the officials called the family into some meeting. So the families called me to say; ‘what do we do about this? Can we have a lawyer represent us?’ I said absolutely! I will get you a lawyer,” Mashaba said.

He said ActionSA wrote to the Mantashe telling him that they would be getting legal representation for the families.

“They rejected this and that is what I was asking him,” he said.

Mantashe: ActionSA is not a law firm

Mantashe seemed irritated with Mashaba and responded: “But ActionSA is not a law firm it’s a political party.”

As Mashaba and Mantashe went back and forth on the matter, an irritated Nomvula Mokonyane tried to pull the ANC national chairperson away.

“Chairperson I am trying to show you something. Please come this way,” Mokonyane said.

As Mashaba walked away, Mantashe said: “What is this?” referring to the scene that had just played out.

Mokonyane then turned to the media and said: “Can you guys please leave?”

In other news – Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

Mzansi rapper, and TV presenter, Jub Jub was one of many South Africans who were unable to vote in the general elections after going to a station where they were not registered.

Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

The musician who presents Moja Love’s reality TV show Uyajola 9/9 shared his annoyance on his Instagram Stories. On Wednesday, 29 May, Jub Jub visited his nearest polling station to cast his vote. However, the TV personality was turned away. Read More

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