Cosatu rejects possible ANC-DA coalition

The ANC’s alliance partner Cosatu is rejecting any coalition with the Democratic Alliance.

It accuses the main opposition of fighting against improving the rights of workers.

The federation says this includes the introduction of a basic minimum wage.

The ANC is yet to decide who it will partner with in a coalition.

“We reject that, we reject it publicly. We reject any coalition with the DA.,” said Cosatu’s Solly Phetoe.

“This is one political party that called for scrapping of the minimum wage, NHI and saying workers have too many rights.”


In other news – Metro FM allegedly suspends DJ Lamiez Holworthy & LootLove for attending ANC rallies

Well-known South African radio hosts DJ Lamiez Holworthy and LootLove are making headlines against their alleged suspension from Metro FM. Reports have it that the station suspended the two for attending African National Congress rallies (ANC).

DJ Lamiez Holworthy and LootLove

However, against the news, the radio station is yet to address the daring rumours. Taking to X, formerly Twitter controversial blogger Musa Khawula revealed that the station suspended the two stars. Read More

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