Gayton McKenzie Warns Against Ignoring MK Party in KZN: A Call to Business and Political Leaders

In a fiery speech, Gayton McKenzie, leader of the Patriotic Alliance, emphasized the importance of acknowledging the influence and demands of the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) Party in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) during the current election period. McKenzie cautioned against attempts to marginalize the MK Party, suggesting such actions could lead to significant unrest and instability across South Africa.

“We cannot keep MK out of this election in KZN,” McKenzie declared. “This is the one that will cause this country. They don’t admit it, but they have already sent so many cops to KZN, trying to keep MK in tune, in line. They don’t understand MK is just as big in Gauteng. If you send all the public order police to KZN, violence can break out anywhere.”

McKenzie argued that the business community and political forces should refrain from forcing coalitions that do not reflect the will of the people, particularly in KZN, where the MK Party holds substantial support. He criticized the idea of imposing an 11% Democratic Alliance (DA) presence to influence leadership in the province, describing it as unworkable and dismissive of the local electorate’s preferences.

“Investors must just leave this obsession to want to marry, this forced marriage,” he said. “They should just let the will of the people prevail. The will of the people in KZN is MK. Now you want the 11% DA to have a possibility of putting a premier candidate there. That’s not going to work.”

McKenzie also highlighted the potential for widespread unrest if the MK Party feels sidelined. He described the MK Party members as individuals who have sacrificed greatly for South Africa and who remain deeply dissatisfied with the current state of the nation. This dissatisfaction, coupled with their training and lack of economic opportunities, makes them a powerful and potentially volatile force.

“These are angry people who gave up their whole lives for a better South Africa,” McKenzie noted. “None of them, or most of them, have not reached that level of a better South Africa. They are angry. They are well-trained. They have nothing to lose because they have nothing. This is their second chance to get into living, standing for their children, getting a proper job, or getting representation.”

Addressing the business community directly, McKenzie warned against meddling in political affairs, particularly in forcing coalitions between the ANC and the DA, which he believes could have severe consequences. He urged business leaders to consider the potential for chaos and to allow the political process to unfold organically.

“Sometimes you need to hear things you don’t want to hear,” he cautioned. “But what you are doing, forcing the ANC and DA together, is going to have dire consequences for all of us. Sit back. A guy like me, I go in with the EFF and ANC, I will never, if property rights is your problem, that’s also my thing. I think if you don’t have property rights, you’re a country.”

McKenzie concluded by reiterating his belief in property rights and cautioning that business interference is placing South Africa in a precarious position. He urged a more hands-off approach, respecting the electorate’s wishes and allowing for natural political alliances to form.

“The business community is putting us in a very dangerous situation in South Africa,” he said. “That’s my take on this.”

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