Young Mother In Jail After She Strangled Her Baby To Death For Crying Uncontrollably

Young Mother In Jail After She Strangled Her Baby To Death For Crying Uncontrollably

A furious 20-year-old mother strangled her 18-month-old baby to death after she failed to stop him from crying.

The incident happened last Wednesday, 14 August 2024, at Zimdabule Village 4, Deli in Nyamandlovu. The woman, Siphethebuhle Nkomo, has since been nabbed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).


Young Mother strangled Her Baby To Death

On the fateful day, Siphethebuhle’s baby boy started crying uncontrollably. The young mother failed to figure out what made her baby cry intensely.

Siphethebuble lost her patience and, in an agitated fit of enraged fury, held her baby’s neck and choked him until he froze still and died.

The ZRP confirmed the heartless incident:

“On 14/08/24, police in Nyamandlovu, Lupane, arrested Siphethebuhle Nkomo (20) in connection with a case of murder in which she strangled to death her son (18 months) after failing to silence him while crying on 14/08/24 at Zimdabule Village 4, Deli, Nyamandlovu.”

People online expressed pain after the young mother killed her baby for crying uncontrollably.


“After birth, women need serious counselling. They go through a lot of trauma, hence postnatal depression.”


“So ZRP, you are a police service in this country. You are here to serve us as a nation or community. Have you taken into account why people are behaving or operating in the manner they are because crime levels are now high?”


“Varikuba mari yenyika kuti itadze kuvaka institutions for those mentally challenged vachasungwa riiniko nhai.”


Mother Strangled Baby Death
Young Mother In Jail After She Strangled Her Baby To Death For Crying Uncontrollably [Image: Legal Bite]


The Trend Of Women Killing Their Children

There have been several cases of mothers killing their babies in Zimbabwe. In January 2023, a 24-year-old woman gave birth to twins and then buried them alive in a shallow grave behind a neighbour’s house. She was scared of people judging her for having children out of wedlock.

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In her doctoral thesis, Janita Corina Mesu found that most women who kill their children suffer from mental health disorders and economic stress.

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