City of Harare headed for a fresh confrontation with vendors


The City of Harare and informal traders are seemingly headed for a fresh confrontation after the Municipality introduced a new set of by-laws to ban vending in the Central Business District (CBD).

Informal Traders though, vowed to fight back against the authorities as they accused them of ignoring econonic realities that drive ordinary citizens into vending to make a living. In the recently published by-laws, the local authority said informal traders were not allowed to sell any goods or foodstuffs in the CBD without a valid permit or lease agreement.

The municipality did not stop there, they also banned pushcarts commonly known as Zvingoro used by informal traders to sell fruits at various trading places like Copacabanna and Market Square Bus Terminus. The Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation Executive Director, Mr Samuel Wadzai said the new by-laws were harsh on people who survived on vending. He said, “These lawd will definitely have a huge negative impact on people who survive through vending and informal work given the status of the economy, this is not the best time to outlaw vending, it’s where the majority are surviving from”.

The council also banned “Street Butcheries” in the CBD. The council’s by-laws also touch on noise pollution saying it’s an offense. Most of the shops and informal traders use loud music to advertise their goods.

The by-laws deem such practices as offenses.

<p>The post City of Harare headed for a fresh confrontation with vendors first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>