Two die at different Eastern Cape initiation schools

Two initiates have died in the Eastern Cape, just some two weeks into the winter initiation season.

The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) has now called for those responsible to be held accountable.

According to reports by CONTRALESA, one initiate died in the Port St Johns area this weekend while the other was in the Ngqeleni location.

It is understood both initiates died of dehydration.

The traditional leaders’ body has sent a strong warning against bogus initiation schools that continue to defy the arm of the law.

In the Port St John’s incident, one person has since been arrested.

Parents are urged to work with authorities to assist in the journey of their children’s passage to manhood to reduce deaths emanating from unregistered bogus schools.

At least 20 initiates died in the Eastern Cape last year.


In other news – Vusa Nova in shock as late Zahara’s sisters sell her furniture

Social media was lit after learning that Zahara’s family had listed her furniture and other valuables for sale. Reports have it that the family is selling her furniture and other belongings to the highest bidder.

Vusi Nova

Rumour mill has it that the family is circulating photos of some of her household items on WhatsApp with price tags. Zahara’s sisters are also selling her awards. However, close friends of Zahara have since criticised the family for selling some of her valuable possessions. Read More

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