Wadyajena Finally Gets His Urus Back From ZACC

High Court Orders Release of Wadyajena’s Seized Property, Including 25 Trucks and Luxury Cars!

In a groundbreaking turn of events, the High Court of Zimbabwe has ruled in favour of former Gokwe Nembudziya legislator Justice Mayor Wadyajena, ordering the release of his seized assets by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC)!

Wadyajena, who faced allegations of fraud and money laundering, has been granted the green light to retrieve his impressive fleet consisting of 25 haulage trucks along with two lavish vehicles – a personalized BMW X6M and the coveted Lamborghini Urus!

The High Court’s verdict unequivocally deemed the prolonged confiscation of Wadyajena’s possessions as unjustifiable, mandating ZACC to promptly return the seized assets. Mr. Oliver Marwa, Wadyajena’s legal representative, lauded the court’s decision as a pivotal triumph against the prosecutorial powers of the State.

This triumph follows Wadyajena’s successful petition alongside his co-defendants to be released from remand last year, citing unwarranted delays in the investigative process.

The inventory of vehicles slated for return reads like a luxury enthusiast’s dream:

  1. Lamborghini Urus bearing the distinctive registration “Mayor”
  2. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6137
  3. Freightliner (Horse) bearing registration AEZ 6136
  4. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 9244
  5. Freightliner (Road Tractor) with registration AEZ 6255
  6. Freightliner (Road Tractor) registered as AEZ 6256
  7. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6139
  8. Freightliner (Horse) bearing registration AEZ 6138
  9. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6116
  10. Freightliner (Horse) registered as AEZ 6114
  11. Freightliner (Road Tractor) with registration AEZ 6134
  12. Freightliner (Horse) bearing registration AEZ 9247
  13. Freightliner (Road Tractor) registered as AEZ 6254
  14. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 9245
  15. Freightliner (Horse) bearing registration AEZ 9246
  16. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 9243
  17. Freightliner (Horse) registered as AEZ 6115
  18. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6121
  19. Freightliner (Horse) registered as AEZ 6125
  20. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6126
  21. Freightliner (Road Tractor) bearing registration AEZ 6133
  22. Freightliner (Horse) with registration AEZ 6135
  23. Freightliner (Road Tractor) registered as AEZ 6134

Wadyajena’s legal team is revelling in this landmark victory, while insiders suggest this outcome delivers a substantial blow to ZACC’s investigative efforts. Mr. Oliver Marwa, Wadyajena’s legal counsel, reiterated the significance of this ruling as a pivotal moment in challenging both his client’s and the State’s stance in the ongoing legal battle.

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