5 simple ways you can avoid the flu this winter

As winter approaches and the temperatures drop, it is important to do your best to keep warm and not get the sniffles this winter. Here are five simple tips that can help you to not get sick with the flu this winter.

Exercise good hygiene by washing your hands regularly. This is to ensure that the flu virus doesn’t enter your body. Wash with lukewarm soap water and make sure you wash between your fingers too.

1. Always wear a jersey or jacket when you feel cold. Never forget that the warmer you dress, the less likely you are going to get the cold. Always remind mom or dad to dress you warmly or provide you with something warm in case of weather changes.

2. Take your multivitamins. Ask mom and Dad to accompany you to a trusted pharmacy that can advise the best multivitamins that can assist your immune system in fighting any potential flu virus.

3. Stay away from sick people. Always make sure if you are in close contact with someone with the flu, to practise social distancing, regular washing of hands and exercising caution around them. This doesn’t mean neglect your friends or loved ones when they are sick, but be careful around them so you don’t get sick too.

4. Eat healthy. A healthy diet boosts your immune system. A healthy immune system can fight off the flu with ease. Drink a lot of water. Avoid cold beverages and ice cream on cold days.

5. Remember to stay warm and don’t play in the rain. The change of season will require a change in how you dress and what you eat too.

Source: Timesofindia

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