Alick Macheso Lead Dancer Majuice Speaks Out After Getting Suspended

Alick Macheso Suspended Lead Dancer Majuice Breaks His Silence, Shares His Side of the Story

Alick Macheso lead dancer Selemane “Majuice” Mpochi, has come forward to address his suspension by the musical group’s management.

Last weekend, Majuice who is the lead dancer and choreographer for Orchestra Mberikwazvo was suspended from his position due to various transgressions, primarily his habitual tardiness in reporting for duty.

Alick Macheso, Majuice’s employer revealed that there had been ongoing concerns regarding the dancer’s behavior, particularly his punctuality issues.

Also Read: “Kutamba Hakuriri”: Alick Macheso Suspends Star Dancer Majuice Over Repeated Indiscipline

Majuice’s Account: Late Arrival Incident and Pay Reduction as Self-Imposed Punishment

In an interview with H-Metro, Majuice explained that the conflict with management arose when he arrived late for a show in Chiredzi during the Easter holidays. He claims that he reported for duty at 1 am because he overslept.

“I reported for duty at 1 am because I overslept at a lodge where we were staying with the other members of the group,” Majuice revealed.

He revealed that because of his late arrival, his pay was cut. However, that was not all, to his surprise he was later informed that he had been suspended.

As a consequence, my pay was reduced, and I believed that was a sufficient penalty. However, I was later surprised to receive a phone call from management informing me of my suspension, and to this day, I am unaware of when the ban will be lifted.”

Questioning the Severity: Dancer Expresses Confusion over Suspension for a Single Infraction

Majuice expressed his belief that there may be more to the situation. Majuice claims that he is being persecuted for alleged infractions he did not commit.

“I can’t be suspended solely for reporting late for one show. People working in large companies sometimes arrive late, and what matters is communication when you are running behind schedule.”

He clarified that on that particular occasion, he was not coming from home but had been part of a major tour that commenced in Harare during Easter before proceeding to Beitbridge and Chiredzi.

Loyalty Amidst Challenges: Majuice Affirms Commitment to Macheso and Orchestra Mberikwazvo Brand

Maintaining his innocence, Majuice assured his fans, saying,

“At the moment, I am fine and safe. What gives me peace of mind is knowing that I did not quit my job; it was management that acted against me. Our loyal fans should understand this, as I have remained loyal to Macheso even during difficult times. Management prohibited me from appearing in other artists’ music videos, and I complied because the Orchestra Mberikwazvo brand is ingrained in me.”

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