Cult Leader Madzibaba Ishmael’s Female Followers Face Trafficking Charges for Harboring Key Witnesses

Cult Leader Madzibaba Ishmael’s Female Followers Charged with Trafficking: Shocking Revelation Unveiled

In a shocking turn of events, two female members of an apostolic sect led by the controversial cult leader Ishmael Chokurongerwa have been charged with trafficking.

Danai Tigere, 56, and Veronica Chitanda, 40, were apprehended after they were caught red-handed harboring nine women.

The nine women who were rescued are believed to be key witnesses in the recent case that led to their cult leader, Madzibaba Ishmael’s arrest.

Also Read: Cult Leader Madzibaba Ishmael Arrested, Shocking Dark Secrets of ‘Cult of Canaan’ Unveiled

The accused appeared before Harare magistrate Donald Ndirowei facing charges of trafficking.

Cult Members Caught in Trafficking Scandal: Shocking Revelations Unfold

It is in the States case that on March 13 of this year, Ishmael Chokurongerwa and seven accomplices were arrested by the police for violating the Burial and Cremation Act and the Children’s Act at Plot number 6 Lily Farm in Nyabira.

Further investigations revealed that on March 28, the police received information indicating that the two accused individuals were hiding victims suspected to be associated with Chokurongerwa’s sect.

The victims were believed to be located at house number 40 Ngamera Street, Mufakose in Harare.

Also Read: Cult Murder: Relatives Reveal Madzibaba Ishmael And His Goons Buried UZ Professor Itai Muwati Alive After Poisoning Him

Police Raid Cult Member’s Residence: Nine Potential Victims Rescued

Taking swift action, the police conducted a raid at Tigere’s residence on March 29 at 3AM. During the operation, they successfully rescued Previous Zogara, 20, Precious Tichaona, 20, Memory Matanga, 19, Rulendo Chimuti, 24, Vimbai Mufani, 21, Melody Chirinda, 20, Nomusa Tichaona, 18, and two minors.

Upon being interviewed, Tigere and Chitanda failed to provide a satisfactory explanation regarding their involvement and motive for keeping the nine individuals in their custody.

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