Ginimbi’s Brother Breaks Silence on Moana Amuli’s Father’s Accusations

Ginimbi’s Brother Responds to Accusations from Moana’s Father

The brother of the late businessman and socialite Genius ‘Ginimbi’ Kadungure has responded to Michelle “Moana” Amuli’s father Michelle “Moana” Amuli.

This comes after Amuli recently expressed bitterness towards the Kadungure family.

Also read: Moana Amuli’s Father Calls Out Ginimbi’s Family for Lack of Sympathy and Condolences

Unresolved Grief and Cultural Expectations

Three years after the tragic accident that claimed the lives of Moana, Ginimbi, and two others, Amuli said he is still waiting for condolences from the Kadungure family.

In a recent interview, Ishmael Amuli lamented the disregard shown by the Kadungure family, saying that in their culture, if a child commits a crime, the parents go to console the victims, but the Kadungures did not do this because they are rich.

“In our African culture, if my child commits a crime somewhere, I go and console the victims. So, because the Kadungures are rich, my child is nothing to them. It’s like I stay as far as Epworth or Bindura, but we both stay here in Domboshava,” he explained.

Also read: Moana’s Sister Tatts Turns To Drugs To Numb Pain, Accuses Mom Of Witchcraft

Ginimbi’s Brother Responds to Moana Amuli’s Father

In response, Ginimbi’s brother Darlington Kadungure told H-Metro that they sent a delegation to Moana’s mother.

“Kuna Baba vaMoana I think question iyoyo iri tricky. Asi dai mabvunza muchiti hamuna kunobata maoko kumhuri yekwana Moana. Because kana ndisngakanganise pane team and I was part of that team, ini ndakazofonerwa ndichinzi ndirikudiwa kuParirenyatwa handina kuzosvika asi pane vanhu vandakatobva navo kuDomboshava vaitoenda kuEngineering after tine zvatanga tatoudzwa kuti tirikuda zvakati kuti tionerane pamwe chete nyaya yenhamo.Team ikatoenda kuEngineering and I’m sure kune zvakatobviswa ikoko,” Darlington Kadungure recounted.

Also read: Moana’s Father Ishmael Amuli Finally Emerges Victorious In The Burial Battle

Dispute Between Moana’s Parents

Darlington highlighted the ongoing dispute between Moana’s father and mother, which was eventually resolved by the High Court. He noted that he did not see Moana’s father during his family’s visit to ‘Engineering’.

“But nhamo iyi yainetsera kuti ana Amai ndovanoita kunge vanga varipamberi. Ini mdara waMoana handina kubvira ndavaona asi Amai vacho nevamwe marelative ava ndakamaona. Saka pamurikuti Baba ka, you might be right because ivo vanenge vakutaura vakamira saBaba,” Ginimbi’s brother added.

Also read: WATCH: Furious Moana’s Father Breathes Fire At Jah Prayzah For His Actions

Financial Compensation

Darlington Kadungure revealed that an undisclosed amount of money was paid to Moana’s family.

“Asi isu kwaKadungure tinoti family yekwana Moana pane zvakabhjadharwa. But handichaziva kuti mafigures akamira sei but pane zvakabhadharwa,” he added.

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