Overcoming Policy Obstacles to Attract Investment in Zimbabwe’s Power Sector(ZETDC)

Zimbabwe’s power woes are no secret. This article tackles the urgent need for new power plants, regardless of the technology – solar, coal, gas, or wind. However, a critical question emerges: Can the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) shoulder the financial burden of these projects?
The answer is a resounding no. This highlights the importance of addressing policy hurdles that currently discourage private investors from entering the power generation space.

The article emphasizes a key point: affordable yet unreliable electricity offers little value. Implementing good pricing models for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) is crucial to attract much-needed investment. As competition thrives, electricity prices are likely to decrease over time, ultimately benefiting Zimbabwean citizens.

<p>The post Overcoming Policy Obstacles to Attract Investment in Zimbabwe’s Power Sector(ZETDC) first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>