Sihle Zikalala praises police efforts in fighting extortionists across country

Deputy Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure Sihle Zikalala has applauded police efforts in fighting extortionists across the country.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) said it had taken significant steps to deal with extortion, including the so-called construction mafia.

Deputy President Paul Mashatile has also told Parliament that the police’s investigative capacity had been beefed up to address extortion and violence at construction sites.

Several suspected extortionists have been arrested and others killed in shootouts with the police recently.

Zikalala said his department was also working towards uplifting upcoming business owners and preventing disruptions.

“We are continuing with programmes aimed at targeting vulnerable groups. This talks to youth-owned companies, it talks to women-owned companies. We have not been doing well in terms of transforming the industry – it’s still male and white-dominated.”


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