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“Irombe Uyo”: Apostle Chiwenga Tears Into Wicknell Chivayo Over His Free Cars SpreeZimbabwe News

“Irombe Uyo”: Apostle Chiwenga Tears Into Wicknell Chivayo Over His Free Cars Spree

Outspoken cleric Apostle Talent Chiwenga has blasted controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo over his free cars spree.   The Mercedes-Benz And…

Fastjet Airlines Makes Groundbreaking Move, Accepts Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) Currency for Travel Payments

Fastjet Airlines Now Accepts ZiG Currency for Airline Bookings and Payments In a significant development, Fastjet airline has migrated to…

Neville Mutsvangwa denied bailZimbabwe News

Neville Mutsvangwa denied bail

Neville Mutsvangwa, the 44-year-old son of ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa and Women’s Affairs Minister Monica Mutsvangwa, has been denied…

Gauteng police seize over R17 million worth of counterfeit goods

Gauteng police have seized counterfeit goods worth over R17 million within a week of operations in the City of Johannesburg.…

ICASA counts load-shedding costs for telcosTechnology

ICASA counts load-shedding costs for telcos

Telecoms service providers saw battery costs reach R2.5 billion, for the 12-month period ending 30 September 2023, according to the…

‘We pay people to install electricity illegally for us’, says resident of fire-ravaged Jeppestown building

Mop-up operations are underway in the Johannesburg CBD after a building burnt down, resulting in the deaths of four people.…

Telkom’s mobile subs surpass 20m as revenue grows to R43bnTechnology

Telkom’s mobile subs surpass 20m as revenue grows to R43bn

Total headline earnings per share and basic earnings per share increased by more than 100% to 376 cents and 385.5…

Revenue decline for Cell C’s major shareholder Blue LabelTechnology

Revenue decline for Cell C’s major shareholder Blue Label

Cell C’s majority shareholder Blue Label Telecoms suffers huge losses, as reflected in its annual financial results for the year…

Baba Harare Finally Opens Up About New Wife and Life-Changing Decision to Quit Jiti

Baba Harare Opens Up About New Wife and Decision to Quit Jiti Baba Harare recently opened up about his new…

Econet Wireless Unveils ZiG Prices for Voice, Data & SMS, Makes Important Announcement on ZiG Bundles

Econet Wireless Unveils ZiG Prices for Voice, Data & SMS, Makes Important Announcement on ZiG Bundles Zimbabwe’s largest mobile operator…

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