Chipo The Trouble Causer And Her Friends Granted Bail After Assaulting Woman

Chipo The Trouble Causer And Her Friends Granted Bail After Assaulting Woman

Social media personality Chipo The Trouble Causer, famously known for her online antics, has been granted bail following an incident related to a clothing deal gone wrong in Harare. Instead of spending her weekend behind bars, Chipo will be at home.

Chipo, whose legal name is Donna Chasaya, along with her sister Candice and Everlyn Chandengenda, appeared before magistrate Lynn Chizhou in court yesterday.

According to reports from H Metro, Chipo’s arrest stemmed from a heated confrontation at the Avondale Police Station. After a brief legal proceeding, all three women were released on bail set at $50 each.

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Details of the Altercation

Chipo the trouble causer-Image Source@Facebook

The complainant in the case, Precious Chigodora, recounted the events that led to the altercation. Chigodora explained that while she was on her way to the Belgravia shops, she encountered Chipo and her companions sitting on benches outside the complex.

Allegedly, Chipo approached Chigodora, accusing her of damaging her reputation on Facebook. This accusation quickly escalated into a physical altercation, with Chipo pushing Chigodora to the ground and proceeding to kick her.

Chandengenda and Candice reportedly joined in the assault, taking turns to kick Chigodora while she was down. The underlying cause of the dispute appears to be a failed clothing deal between the two parties.

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The root of the Conflict

The conflict between Chipo and Chigodora arose from a disagreement over a clothing transaction. Chipo allegedly acquired clothing on credit but failed to fulfil her payment obligations, resulting in tension between the parties.

Although Chipo purportedly returned some of the clothes to Chigodora, the unresolved financial dispute ultimately led to the confrontation that landed them in legal trouble.

As the legal proceedings continue, Chipo’s social media followers will undoubtedly monitor the outcome of this case closely.

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