Divine Deception: Fake Prophet Arrested For Robbery

Divine Deception: Fake Prophet Arrested For Robbery

A fake prophet has been apprehended and taken to court after he was arrested for fraud. Hillary Rambakupetwa, a 29-year-old resident of Bindura, found himself in legal trouble as he stood before the Bindura Magistrates’ court facing allegations of robbery.

The Incident that led to the fake prophet’s arrest

On April 10, 2024, three individuals embarked on a journey to Dandarecha Mountain, Guruve, in a Toyota Hilux for a spiritual retreat. The following day, at approximately 10:00 AM, they encountered the accused, who was clad in religious attire, posing as a prophet. Under the guise of spiritual guidance, he persuaded them to purchase certain items for a purported cleansing ritual.

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Fake prophet guilty of robbery
Fake prophet has been sentenced to 5 years for robbery-Image Source@iStock

Subsequently, the accused falsely claimed that Chief Negomo had called for assistance on another mountain due to a snakebite emergency. Taking advantage of the situation, he coerced the victims at knifepoint, robbing them of belongings and cash totalling $750 USD.

Further intimidation ensued as he ordered two of the victims to the ground while he forced one to accompany him to their vehicle. There, he forcibly instructed her to teach him how to drive their car. This was before binding her hands and gagging her with a cloth to stop her from screaming.

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Fake Prophet arrested and goods recovered.

On April 13, 2024, authorities successfully located the stolen vehicle, leading to the apprehension of the perpetrator. The total value of the stolen goods amounted to $93,650 USD, of which $93,050 USD worth of property was recovered.

The accused admitted guilt to all charges and received a five-year prison sentence.

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