Kamativi mining Company to make 1,200 jobs

In a speech at the commissioning of the Yahua Group Kamativi Mining Company’s Spodumene Mining and Processing Project Phase One flotation plant in Kamativi, the President praised the company for its efforts in creating over 1,200 jobs through its lithium mining initiative in Hwange district.

The Kamativi Mining Company (KMC) began operations in 2019, focusing on mining lithium at the Kamativi site, which was previously known for tin mining until operations ceased in 1994. The decline in global tin prices led to the closure of the tin mining operations. However, KMC has revitalized the site with its lithium mining project, investing a total of US$249 million, with approximately US$100 million already spent on the project.

The company’s lithium concentration facility has the capacity to process 300,000 tonnes of raw spodumene ore annually, resulting in the production of 50,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate. This significant investment in the mining sector is a positive step towards economic growth and job creation in Zimbabwe.

<p>The post Kamativi mining Company to make 1,200 jobs first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>