KZN man gets life sentence for raping mentally disabled mother

The Ntuzuma Regional Court in KwaZulu-Natal has heard that a man who raped his mentally disabled biological mother several times has shown no regret for his actions.

The 31-year-old man was sentenced to life in prison for the heinous crime.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said the man raped his mother on several occasions.


“The man lived with his mother in the KwaMashu area, and in 2020, he raped her for the first time. Thereafter he raped her frequently, almost daily. The complainant (his mother) who is mentally disabled to a degree, complained to the people around her, however, no one took heed to her complaints.

“When her sister visited from out of the province, the complainant pleaded to return home with her, due to the rapes. The sister then reported the matter to the police and the man was arrested after the complainant pointed him out,” Ramkisson-Kara said.

Ramkisson-Kara said during court proceedings, state prosecutor Lisa Abrahams led the testimonies of the man’s mother and her sister as well as the evidence of the J88 form and a psychologist’s report.


“In the complainant’s victim impact statement, which was facilitated by court preparation officer Senziwe Mthethwa, the complainant said that the incident would haunt her for the rest of her life.

“She said she had to relocate because of her son’s actions, and that he had shown no sign of regret for what he had done to her. The man was sentenced to life imprisonment for rape, and, in addition, the court ruled that his name be entered into the National Register for sex offenders,” Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said.

The NPA has welcomed the successful prosecution, saying it has a mandate to protect the most vulnerable in society.

“We commend the work done by the prosecution and the police in securing the conviction,” the NPA said.

In other news – State withdraws charges against Jub Jub

Well-known South African television presenter and rapper Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye is a free man again. The state has withdrawn all the charges against him at the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.

Jub Jub

Maarohanye was accused of three counts of rape, two of attempted murder, and one of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The offenses date back between 2006 and 2010. He was arrested in July last year and has been out on bail. Read More

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