Lady Du gives Fans Free Life-Changing Advice

Lady Du schools artists on social media about music and the business side of music. The musician has played an impactful role by using her socials to advise people who are in the music industry or about to start doing music. Taking to Twitter, she points out things that can help music artists.

Lady Du

1 Don’t record anything before you sign any paperwork and discuss your percentage, people change when songs are hits, print out contracts and make sure you take them to studio.

Lady Du

2 Record yourself if you can it saves you from a lot.

3. Understand the music business and how royalties work.

Lady Du

“Lastly look after yourselves mentally, go for counselling guys, not because you have a problem but because you need a safe space to deal with the things that happen in your life daily that are heaven on your souls. We all don’t have the same priorities Be kind to people, give as many hugs as you can and tell people close to you how much you love them. Remember tomorrow isn’t promised,” she added.

In other news – Zoleka Mandela’s baby daddy seeking a lawyer as he allegedly gets denied access to his child

Zoleka Mandela (the granddaughter of the late and former president Nelson Mandela and his second wife, anti-apartheid activist Winnie Mandela) died on Monday, 25 September last year.

Andile Leeroy Cana and Zoleka Mandela

She was laid to rest days later after her funeral which took place at Bryanston Methodist Church in Johannesburg. Read more

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