Living in Fear: Zimbabwean Influencer Shadaya Tawona Knight Appeals to Police for Assistance Amid Threats on His Life

Zimbabwean Influencer Shadaya Tawona Knight Seeks Police Assistance Following Life-Threatening Message

Zimbabwean controversial influencer Shadaya Tawona Knight has taken to social media to appeal to the Zimbabwe Republic Police for assistance after receiving threats on his life.

Shadaya is living in fear after receiving threats on his life and family from unidentified people.

His appeal to the police comes barely a day after he publicly disclosed that he has been receiving threats on his life. He, however, vowed that he is going to continue to speak his mind and not let the threats deter him or scare him off.

Also Read: Persistence Amid Peril: Zimbabwean Influencer Shadaya Tawona Knight Vows to Continue Speaking Out Despite Receiving Threats on His Life and Family

Living in Fear: Shadaya Tawona Knight Discloses Ongoing Threats on His Life, Seeks Help from Zimbabwe Republic Police

Taking to his Facebook account, tagged the Zimbabwe Police handle as he appealed for their assistance. Shadaya revealed that he has been getting constant threats on his life and family for the past week.

“@PoliceZimbabwe I greatly require your assistance. Normally I wouldn’t bring such issues out on public platforms as they can be misinterpreted, but I have no other option. I have been getting constant threats on my life and family as well for the past week”

Shadaya disclosed that initially he ignored it assuming it was just pranks until he started receiving concerned messages from his family and friends informing him about how unidentified people asking them for his whereabouts and other personal information.

“I ignored it initially as pranks but when I start getting messages from family and friends about unidentified people asking about my routine, location and other information, I have to take it seriously”

Unidentified Threats Escalate: Shadaya Knight’s Loved Ones Express Concern for His Well-being

The influencer stated that his family and friends are now worried and concerned about his safety due to constant threats that they have been receiving.

He disclosed that sometimes they even get in person threats telling them that he is “wanted.”

Shadaya argued that he has not committed any criminal offense that warrants the kind of threats that he has been receiving.

My family and friends are very worried about my safety, constantly getting messages and even in person threats that “I’m wanted”. To my knowledge I have not committed any crime, neither have I even said anything that can be regarded as a crime. Unless talking about societal issues is a crime.”

Challenging the Intimidation: Shadaya Knight Vows to Continue Speaking Out Despite Threats

Furthermore, he stated that if he is wanted for anything shouldn’t he have been called to report to any police station.

Expressing his fristrations over the threats, shadaya retorted that he shouldn’t have to live in fear because unidentified men are looking for him.

And if I’m wanted for anything shouldn’t I be called to report to any police station? I would gladly do so, because I have nothing to hide

Just like everyone else regardless if one agrees or not with my opinions on societal issues, I shouldn’t have to live in fear, always looking at my back, sleeping with one eye open, because of unidentified men looking for me”





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