Man arrested for leaking Fifis’s nude pictures

The man suspected of leaking Fifi, Mai titi’s daughter’s nude pictures has been arrested. Amin Mhaka is believed to be the one who has been dating Felisha and  went on to leak her nude photographs.

He was arrested and detained at Highlands Police Station. Responding to the leakage of Felisha’s nudes, Mai TT said she found out that her daughter was under threat the whole of last year from her lover but never disclosed it to her.

She said Felisha would pay the lover an undisclosed amount of money until she couldn’t afford anymore and the lover decided to leak the photographs.“The way you are shocked is the same way I am shocked because my daughter is the quietest, intelligent, individual,” said Mai TT.

Via @ H-Metro

<p>The post Man arrested for leaking Fifis’s nude pictures first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>