More than 100 SA doctors who received training in Cuba set to graduate

More than 100 SA doctors who received training in Cuba set to graduate

Over 100 South African doctors who received training in Cuba are set to graduate on Friday.

The doctors are the latest cohort of the Nelson Mandela/Fidel Castro Medical Collaboration Programme beneficiaries.

The programme, which began in 1996, has seen over 1,000 students trained as doctors at Cuban universities.

Department of Health spokesperson, Foster Mohale, says the graduation ceremony will take place at Wits University today.

“This is the end of their academic journey – which they started some years ago. You will remember the programme involves both Cuban universities and the local universities, so they go and study in Cuba for four years, then the last two years they come and complete in the local universities as part of their integration into the public health system.”


In other news – State withdraws charges against Jub Jub

Well-known South African television presenter and rapper Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye is a free man again. The state has withdrawn all the charges against him at the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.

Jub Jub

Maarohanye was accused of three counts of rape, two of attempted murder, and one of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The offenses date back between 2006 and 2010. He was arrested in July last year and has been out on bail. Read More

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