Sungura Legend Alick Macheso And Orchestra Mberikwazvo Reschedule Album Launch

Sungura Legend Alick Macheso And Orchestra Mberikwazvo Reschedule Album Launch

Sungura King Alick Macheso and Orchestra Mberikwazvo have released a media statement announcing that they have rescheduled their album launch.

Alick Macheso and Orchestra Mberikwazvo made the decision to adjust the date for their highly anticipated album launch. Initially scheduled for June 7th, the event will now be held on August 2nd.

Considerations Behind the Change

In their statement, the singer and his band announced the reason for this move and claimed that he had heard the pleas of his fans. According to the statement, fans complained that June was cold, and they wanted to attend the launch in warmer conditions. The statement reads:

This decision comes after careful consideration and in response to feedback from our fans. There has been concerns about the weather, as June is a very cold month and having the launch in August, with warmer temperatures, allows our fans to fully enjoy this momentous occasion.

The venue, however, remains unchanged, with the event set to take place at Alex Sports Club. However, the outdoor nature of the arena makes it less conducive to hosting events during the cold June weather.

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Macheso Praises August As A Celebration Month

Alick Macheso album launch
Alick Macheso reschedules album launch-Image Source@Facebook

In the statement released. Macheso praised August as renowned for its festive atmosphere, both locally in Zimbabwe and globally. By rescheduling the album launch to coincide with this spirited month, he aims to enhance the overall experience for our audience, fostering a more vibrant and joyous celebration.

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Fans Reactions To Macheso Album Launch Rescheduling

Many of the singer’s fans had mixed reactions in the comment section after the news. Some who can not wait for the singer’s new album showed their disappointment in having to wait two more months. Others, however, welcomed the decision and applauded the singer for being considerate when making a decision for his fans.

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