Zanu PF Activist Rutendo Matinyarare Jailed in South Africa

Zanu PF Activist Rutendo Matinyarare Jailed in South Africa

In a recent development, Rutendo Benson Matinyarare, a Zanu PF activist, narrowly avoided a jail sentence despite being convicted and sentenced to three months in prison by a South African court. Matinyarare was found guilty of contempt of court and sentenced to three months in prison.

Also read: Legal Battle Escalates: Innscor Africa Wants Unrepentant Rutendo Matinyarare Jailed

Social Media Campaign Against Innscor

The case stems from Matinyarare’s social media campaign against Innscor Africa and its major shareholder, Zinona Koudounaris. Matinyarare had made various defamatory claims, including accusing Innscor of selling genetically modified (GMO) foods in Zimbabwe and labeling Koudounaris as a “Rhodie,” a term referring to a white Rhodesian.

Justice Gcina Malindi of the Gauteng Division of the High Court in South Africa found Matinyarare in contempt of two previous court orders that had instructed him to remove the defamatory posts and refrain from making further claims against Innscor and Koudounaris.

Also read: Innscor Africa Drags Rutendo Matinyarare to Court After He Accuses Company of Using GMOs and Steroids

Rutendo Matinyarare Jailed in South Africa, Sentence Suspended

While Matinyarare was sentenced to three months in prison, the sentence was wholly suspended on the condition that he does not make any further defamatory statements about Innscor Africa and Koudounaris. The judge also ordered Matinyarare to pay Innscor and Koudounaris’ legal costs, including the fees of two counsel at the maximum rate.

“Matinyarare is committed to a period of imprisonment of three months, which committal is suspended on condition that he does not disseminate, directly or indirectly, false and defamatory allegations pertaining to the Innscor Africa and Koudounaris, or in any other manner breach the orders by judges Siwendu and Wanless,” Justice Malindi ruled.

Also read: Fierce Backlash After Rutendo Matinyarare Declares War on South Africans

Ongoing Legal Challenges

However, Matinyarare’s legal troubles may not be over yet. His former lawyer, Simba Chitando, has filed a separate criminal complaint against him, alleging that Matinyarare lied to the High Court about his awareness of the previous court judgments against him. Chitando is seeking Matinyarare’s arrest and prosecution for perjury.

Furthermore, Chitando revealed that Matinyarare had informed him that his new lawyers were being paid by the controversial tycoon Simon Rudland, “because he does not like Koudounaris’ control of the Zimbabwean economy.”

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