Zimbabwe Republic Police Crack Down on Child Begging in Harare

Zimbabwe Republic Police Crack Down on Child Begging in Harare

In a joint operation with the Department of Social Welfare, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) conducted a raid in Harare’s Central Business District (CBD) on August 23, 2024, to combat child begging. The operation targeted areas around Rezende Street, Joina City, and Town House, resulting in the rescue of 22 children and their guardians.

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Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Press Release 

The ZRP emphasized that exploiting children and people with disabilities for begging is illegal and warned guardians that they risk arrest if caught. The operation aims to protect vulnerable children from exploitation and ensure their safety and well-being.

The rescued children and their guardians were handed over to the Department of Social Welfare for appropriate support and care.

<p>The post Zimbabwe Republic Police Crack Down on Child Begging in Harare first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>