Zimbabwean Woman Attempts Suicide By Adding Poison To Her Drink Live On Facebook

Eliza Chihota, a woman from Zimbabwe, recently shocked viewers worldwide by broadcasting a distressing 7-minute live video on Facebook. In this video, she appeared to mix a substance which looked like poison into her drink, seemingly with the intent to end her own life.

According to comments on Facebook, Eliza’s attempt on her life failed, and she is getting the medical assistance she deserves. No official statement has been made by her family or her official page as of yet.

This tragic event has brought to light the severe struggles associated with depression and the critical importance of mental health support.

The Impact of the Video

The heartbreaking footage left many viewers feeling overwhelmed with sorrow and a sense of helplessness. Eliza’s courageous yet tragic decision has sparked a vital conversation regarding the urgent need for greater mental health awareness and resources. Depression is a pervasive condition affecting millions around the globe, necessitating a deeper understanding and more robust support systems.

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A Stark Reminder of the Reality of Depression

Many Zimbabweans have been raising awareness of depression ever since the video went viral. The reasons as to why Eliza opted for suicide are yet to be known. The woman is a rising socialite with a decent social media following. Eliza’s public cry for help underscores the reality that mental health issues are both real and urgent.

ALSO READ: Social Media Erupts with Reactions after Zimbabwean Man Commits Suicide Live on Facebook After His Girlfriend Cheats on Him

Similar Incident to Eliza Chihota of suicide live on Facebook

Back in March, another Zimbabwean man by the name Kelvin Mhofu Ngoshi also committed suicide by adding poison to his coke. He went on to drink it live on Facebook, which led to his demise. The reasons shared were that his girlfriend had cheated on him and also reported his business’ shady dealings to the police in South Africa.

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