Zimbabweans in South Africa Protest Passport Fee Hike

Zimbabweans in South Africa Protest Passport Fee Hike

Zimbabweans living in South Africa are taking to the streets to express their discontent with the recent increase in passport fees. A march is scheduled to take place today at the Zimbabwean embassy in Pretoria, where protesters will voice their opposition to the new fees.


The Zimbabwean consulate in Johannesburg announced on July 26 that the price of a passport would increase from R3,100 to over R4,500. This decision has been met with widespread criticism from the Zimbabwean community in South Africa, who argue that the increased fee is unaffordable for many.

A petition launched by the Zimbabwe Community in South Africa has gathered over 1,100 signatures, calling on the government to review its decision. The petition argues that the increased fee will disproportionately affect low-income earners, who are already struggling to make ends meet.

Zimbabwe’s ambassador to South Africa, David Hamadziripi, has responded to the opposition, stating that there are two passport prices: the ordinary passport that costs USD170 and the express/emergency passport that costs USD250. However, all passport applications made in South Africa are now being handled as express/emergency, which has led to the increased fee.

The march,  started at 10 a.m. from an open space on Madiba Street and Stanza Bopape Street, aims to bring attention to the issue and pressure the government to reconsider the fee increase. Protesters will proceed to the Embassy of Zimbabwe, where they will present their petition and demands.

<p>The post Zimbabweans in South Africa Protest Passport Fee Hike first appeared on Dandaro Online.</p>