Zimbabweans Celebrate as Serial Human Trafficker Caroline Ziyanga Receives 90-Year Prison Sentence

Serial Human Trafficker Sentenced to 90 Years in Prison, Zimbabweans Celebrate Justice

In a landmark ruling that has captured the attention of social media users, a serial human trafficker, Caroline Ziyanga, has been sentenced to 90 years in prison.

Ziyanga faced nine counts of trafficking after deceiving desperate job seekers with promises of employment in Dubai, only to force them into enslavement and sexual exploitation in Oman. The sentencing was delivered by Harare magistrate Stanford Mambanje, who imposed a ten-year sentence for each count.

Also Read: Nigerian Human Trafficker To Rot In Prison After Getting Two Life Sentences Plus 45 Years For Trafficking Two Zimbabwean Women

False Promises: Victims Lured by Dubai Job Offers, Trapped in Oman’s Web of Exploitation

Initially facing eleven counts, two were withdrawn before plea, leaving Ziyanga accountable for counts three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven. Magistrate Mambanje ruled that these counts would run concurrently, resulting in an effective sentence of 30 years.

The prosecution, led by Oscar Madhume, successfully demonstrated that Ziyanga, along with her accomplice Hamidah, trafficked women to Oman under the false pretense of lucrative job opportunities in Dubai. Ziyanga utilized her network of friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors to advertise these non-existent positions, promising a monthly salary of US$800.

Trusting Ziyanga’s misleading representations, the victims accepted the offer. However, upon their arrival in Oman, their passports were confiscated, and they were forced into working as housemaids instead of nurse aides, subjected to inhumane treatment.

Zimbabweans Celebrate Justice as Trafficker Receives Lengthy Sentence

News of Ziyanga’s lengthy sentence has ignited a wave of celebration among Zimbabweans, who believe that justice has been served. Many argue that the magistrate should have imposed a life sentence, considering the severity of the crimes committed.


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